The Dublin Experience

From the 21st  to the 28th of April, class 6a was able to experience an unforgettable school trip to the vibrant city of Dublin, accompanied by Mrs. Guraziu and Miss Schachner. Packed with a variety of engaging activities and cultural experiences, this week-long excursion proved to be an incredible learning opportunity for all involved.

The adventure began on Friday with the students’ arrival. We discovered the city and had a guided tour around Dublin. Afterwards, we met our host families, who were mostly super friendly and welcoming. 

Starting strong on Saturday, we went on an adventure trip to medieval Malahide Castle. Unfortunately, it was raining and it was really exhausting for all of us.  But the bad weather didn’t take away from Malahide Castle’s beauty. We even met class 6b on our way back and enjoyed our day together in Dublin City.

The following day we went to Howth for a walk around the cliffs. Since a few of us were just a little bit too late (one hour), we were trying to kill time around the beach. The weather was magnificent and it was so sunny that some of us even got a sunburn. The cliff walk was one of our highlights and the cliffs were so beautiful. Afterwards we grabbed the famous fish and chips. 

From Monday till Thursday, we went on excursions like to Trinity College, the Chester Beatty Library and the National Museum of Archeology in the morning and afterwards we had 4 English lessons in the Apollo Language Center in Dublin city.

In conclusion, the entire Dublin experience allowed 6a to make more genuine connections, improve their English skills and learn about the culture of Ireland.  

Katrin and Lea, 6a